1L - First Year Lesson Topics

This set of Topics covers subjects typically taught during the first year of law school.
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This lesson explores the cause of action of conversion as a means of compensation for intentional interferences with personal property. It will examine the several components of interest, invasion, conduct and remedy as the conceptual vehicles for study. Each section of the lesson will focus on one of these components, present the theory, and then give the student an opportunity to apply the theory or explore some of its ramifications.

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Cost of Completion

This lesson explores the issue of whether, in computing the expectation remedy, the court will award the cost of completion or the diminution in value. The lesson can be run either as an introduction to this aspect of damages or as a review after you have completed your study.

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Cost of Legal Research

We are all aware of the perils of poor electronic legal research skills. And, we have all heard of ways the misuse of electronic legal resources has challenged those engaged in legal practice. Though Westlaw® and Lexis® provide us with sophisticated functionality that can ease the pain of legal research, these systems do not necessarily provide the most cost efficient means of conducting research.

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Covenants, Equitable Servitudes and Restrictions 1: Creation

This tutorial is the first in a series of interactive tutorials written to assist the beginning student with a basic introduction to analyzing real covenants, equitable servitudes and similar use restrictions applied to real property. Once the student successfully completes the current lesson, he or she may later use the series of questions throughout this lesson as a preliminary review for a final examination.

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Covenants, Equitable Servitudes and Restrictions 2: Determining the Validity and Scope

This lesson is designed to assist the beginning Property student with analyzing the numerous potential questions arising when one encounters a real covenant or equitable servitude. The lesson addresses the questions of what might make a validly created covenant or equitable servitude invalid or unenforceable and what factors influence whether a restriction applies to offending conduct.

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Covenants, Equitable Servitudes and Restrictions 3: Who Has the Right to Enforce Covenants and Equitable Servitudes?

This lesson is designed to assist the beginning Property student in analyzing the various questions arising from one's attempting to enforce real covenants and equitable servitudes. It follows in the order of the analytical process developed in the lesson on creating covenants and addresses the question "What is required for one to be able to enforce a real covenant, equitable servitude or restriction?"

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Covenants, Equitable Servitudes and Restrictions 4: Against Whom May One Enforce the Promise?

This lesson is designed to assist the first year Property student in analyzing the various questions arising from one's attempting to enforce real covenants and equitable servitudes. It follows in the order of the analytical process developed in the lesson on creating covenants and addresses the question "Under what circumstances might one who is not the original promisor be liable for not performing the promise?"
