CALI QuizWright
is a web app that lets law faculty write individual Multiple Choice, True/False, and Yes/No questions, saves the questions in a personal question bank, builds quizzes with the questions from the bank, uses CALI AutoPublish to instantly and securely publish the quizzes to the CALI website and lets students take the quizzes as formative assessments, either live in class or as homework, right on the CALI website, where most students already have an account. Faculty can view the basic results or access advanced analytic reporting from an online dashboard. Download of results to Excel for further analysis is available.
Our goals in creating QuizWright are to give faculty a straight forward way to create and distribute formative assessments for their students that doesn’t require the installation of additional software, to provide a tool that is intuitive to use and doesn’t require extensive training for faculty, to leverage proven CALI tools and resources that are already familiar to most students and many faculty, and to make legal education better.
1. Login to CALI website
The place to get started is, the CALI website. Log in with your faculty level account and you’ll have instant access to QuizWright. No account? No worries! Virtually all US law schools are CALI members and faculty, librarians, and staff at member schools have full access to a wide range of CALI resources and tools including QuizWright. To register and create an account you’ll need your school’s authorization code. Check out the CALI law school contacts page to find out who to ask for the authorization code at your school. With the code registration just takes a minute and then you’ll have access to a wide array of CALI resources and tools
2. Go to QuizWright app
Once you’re logged in to the CALI website you can find the link to QuizWright in the CALI Dashboard dropdown menu at the top of the page. Clicking the link will take you right into QuizWright.
Before you get started creating questions and quizzes we suggest you take a minute to create a profile on QuizWright. Click on the My Profile link in the left hand menu of QuizWright. The information you enter in this profile is included in the quizzes you create, appearing on the title page of the quiz.
3. Add questions
To start adding questions just click on New and then Question in the left menu. The question creation process starts with a choice of question type. QuizWright handles True/False, Yes/No, and Multiple Choice questions. For T/F and Y/N questions you enter the text of the question and select the correct response. For MC questions you enter the text of the question, the correct choice and up to 3 additional incorrect responses. Optionally you can enter brief feedback for the student that is displayed after the question is answered.
We strongly suggest you write out the questions and answers before you fire up QuizWright so you have something to work with. Once you’ve entered a question you can use the buttons at the bottom to either Add another question or Prepare the Quiz. Questions are saved in your personal question bank.
4. Create a quiz
Once you’ve entered the last question you want to include in your quiz hit the Prepare the Quiz button to bundle your questions into a quiz. You’ll see a listing of your questions. Check the one’s you want to include in your new quiz and hit the Add a new quiz button to open a new Quiz page.
Add a title and brief description in the appropriate fields on the Quiz Information form. This will be displayed on the quiz’s page on the CALI website and included in the quiz itself. Optionally you can add some text for introduction and conclusion pages. These will be shown at the beginning and end of the quiz if you chose to create them. Finally hit the Save Quiz button.
5. Publish the quiz
Saving the quiz takes you to the Quiz Detail page. You can save and edit the quiz from this page, but we’re interested in the Publish Quiz button. Click on that button to publish your quiz to the CALI website. Once that button is clicked you are taken to the CALI website, your QuizWright quiz is published and it’s ready for your students to take. You can get the link your students need to take the quiz by clicking on the View tab at the upper right of the edit page you landed on when the Quiz was published and copying the address from the address bar of your browser or you get the link from the email that is sent to you when you publish the quiz. The URL for your quiz should look something like where the number part at the end is unique to your Quiz.
Once your students have the link they can click on it and take the quiz like they would any CALI Lesson. They will need to have a valid account on and be logged in to the CALI website in order to take a QuizWright quiz. You can see students results in real time by following the link yourself and launching the quiz. Your special faculty view of the Quiz allows you to see student results in real time. You can review results later by clicking on the AutoPublish link in the CALI Dashboard dropdown menu at the top of the page.
And there you have it, Zero to Quiz in 5 minutes (or so) with just 5 quick steps to follow. QuizWright has a lot more features for authoring and managing questions and quizzes but this brief overview should be enough to get you started working with formative assessments and CALI QuizWright. If you have any questions about QuizWright or any other CALI tools or resources check out the CALI FAQs or drop me a note at