- This Subject Outline allows you to search for terms of art that correspond to topics you are studying to find related CALI Lessons.
- The Torts Index lists all CALI lessons covering Torts.
Subject Outline
- eLangdell Press® casebooks - Free with a Creative Commons license so you can select and mix the materials you want
Tort Law: A 21st-Century Approach, Professor Zahr K. Said
Torts and Regulation: Cases, Principles, and Institutions, Professor John Fabian Witt
Torts: Cases, Principles, and Institutions, Professors John Fabian Witt and Karen Tani
Torts: Cases and Contexts Volume 1, Professor Eric E. Johnson
Torts: Cases and Contexts Volume 2, Professor Eric E. Johnson
- Introduction/ Overview
How to Prepare for the Study of Torts Law Podcast (TRT48P)
Advice to a 1L From a Law Professor Podcast (LCS05P)
- History, tradition, roles, common law background, general overview
- Role of Juries
- Overview and Introduction to Intentional and Negligent Torts (also covered in depth in sections below)
- Intentional Torts Against the Person
- "Intent" defined
- Battery
- Assault
- Intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED)
- False imprisonment
- Fundamental Concepts of Damages
- Defenses to Intentional Torts
- Consent
- Capacity to Consent (medical care, athletic events, acts beyond consent)
- Consent as Defense
- Consent
- Intentional Torts Against Property
- Trespass to Land
Damages for Harms to Real Property (TRT15)
- General
- Defenses
- Contrasted to Nuisance
- Trespass to chattels
Trespass to Chattels (TRT47)
- General
- Damages measured
- Defenses
- Conversion
Conversion (TRT46)
- General
- Remedies
- Defenses
- Trespass to Land
- Negligence
- Elements of negligence
- Duty
Palsgraf v. Long Island RR Co. Podcast (TRT05P)
- Basic Duty Concepts
- Misfeasance and nonfeasance
- Duty to warn
- Effect of contract
- Mental suffering
- Unborn children, wrongful life, wrongful birth, survival actions
- Obligation to control the conduct of others
- Duty to warn
- Purely economic loss
- Breach of Duty
- Standards of Care
- Reasonable Person
- Children and Others
- Professionals
- Emergency doctrine
- Proof of Breach of Duty
- Civil and criminal statutes
- Medical Malpractice
- Standards of Care
- Proximate cause a.k.a. legal cause
- Causation in fact
- Proof causation
- Proximate cause
- Foreseeability
- Intervening cause
- Damages
- Actual damages
- Duty
- Res Ipsa Loquitur
- Elements of negligence
- Defenses in Negligence Actions
- Contributory negligence standards & last clear chance
- Comparative negligence/fault
- Assumption of risk
- Statutes of Limitations & repose
- Family
- Sovereign Immunity
- Federal Tort Claims Act
- Multiple Tortfeasors
- Multiple Tortfeasors
- Owners and Occupiers of Land
- Outside premises
- Trespassers
- Licensees
- Invitees
- Landlord and tenant
- Vicarious Liability
- Application of the concept
- Employer-Employee General Concepts
- Other Categories (joint enterprise, family, vehicles)
- Application of the concept
- Strict Liability
Strict Liability Crossword Puzzle
- Animals
- Ultra-hazardous & abnormally dangerous activities
- Compensation Systems
- Worker's Compensation
- No-fault auto insurance
- Products Liability
- Liability for defectively designed products
- Liability for defectively manufactured products
- Warranty
- Nuisance
- Nuisance in general
- Public & private
- Damages
- General concepts of damages
- Compensatory damages
- Damages to personal property
- Fundamentals
- Interests in physical integrity of personal property
- Possessory interests
- Use & enjoyment
- Harms for personal injury & death
- Extra Topics
- Invasion of Privacy
- General Overview
- Detailed analysis of each claim for relief
- Intrusion
- Public Disclosure
- False light
- Commercial appropriation
- Limitations on the right of privacy
- Constitutional limits
- General Defenses
- Defamation
- Basic law & issues
- Libel and slander
- Constitutional Limitations and defenses
- Civil Rights Torts
- Impact of insurance on tort litigation
- Business Torts
- Misrepresentation
- Intentional interference with contractual relations
- Interference with prospective advantage
- Invasion of Privacy