# | Member Organization | Where to Get The CALI Authorization Code |
U.S. CALI Members top
Alabama top
1 | The University of Alabama School of Law | Iain Barksdale ibarksdale@law.ua.edu 205-348-2373 |
2 | Birmingham School of Law | Victoria Charles vcharles@bsol.com 205-322-6122 |
3 | Faulkner University Thomas Goode Jones School of Law | Research Office JSLReference@faulkner.edu 334-386-7533 |
4 | Samford University Cumberland School of Law | Edward Martin ecmartin@samford.edu 205.726-2416 |
Arizona top
5 | Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University | CALI access
6 | University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law | Michael Wagenheim wagenhei@arizona.edu 520-621-3053 |
Arkansas top
7 | University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Leflar Law Center | Dominick Grillo grillo@uark.edu 479-575-5589 |
8 | University of Arkansas - Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law | Melissa Serfass mmserfass@ualr.edu 501-916-5459 |
California top
9 | University of California - Berkeley School of Law | CALI access |
10 | University of California at Davis School of Law | David Holt dbholt@ucdavis.edu 530-752-5112 |
11 | University of California, Irvine School of Law | Law Library Reference Desk
949-824-6746 |
12 | University of California - Los Angeles School of Law | Help Desk help@law.ucla.edu |
13 | California Western School of Law | Brandon Baker blb@cwsl.edu 619-525-1425 |
14 | Loyola Law School, Los Angeles | Victoria Tokar victoria.tokar@lls.edu 702-895-2317 |
15 | University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law | Monica Sharum msharum@pacific.edu 916-739-7014 |
16 | Pepperdine University Caruso School of Law | Please send an email to CALI-INFO@law.pepperdine.edu for instructions on how to obtain the Pepperdine authorization code. |
17 | University of San Diego School of Law | Sign in here with your mysandiego login to access the USD authorization code. |
18 | University of San Francisco School of Law | Timothy Sanzi trsanzi@usfca.edu 415-422-4727 |
19 | Santa Clara University School of Law | CALI access |
20 | University of Southern California Gould School of Law | Reference Desk reference@law.usc.edu 213-740-6482 |
21 | Southwestern Law School | CALI access |
22 | Stanford Law School | Reference Office reference@law.stanford.edu 650-725.0800 |
23 | UC College of the Law, San Francisco | Library Reference Services libref@uclawsf.edu Student Resources |
24 | University of West Los Angeles Law School | Jesse Aldava jaldava@uwla.edu 310-342-5206 |
25 | Western State College of Law at Westcliff University | John ODonnell jodonnell@wsulaw.edu 714.459.1110 |
Colorado top
26 | University of Colorado School of Law | Michael Whitlow Michael.Whitlow@colorado.edu 303- 492-4711 |
27 | University of Denver Sturm College of Law | help@law.du.edu |
Connecticut top
28 | University of Connecticut Law School | Reference Desk |
29 | Quinnipiac University School of Law | Mary Tartaglia mary.tartaglia@quinnipiac.edu 203-582-3311 |
30 | Yale Law School | Jason Eiseman jason.eiseman@yale.edu 203-432-6759 |
Delaware top
31 | Widener University Delaware School of Law | Janet Lindenmuth jslindenmuth@widener.edu 302-477-2245 |
32 | Wilmington University School of Law | Trezlen Drake Trezlen.D.Drake@wilmu.edu 302-268-1291 |
District of Columbia top
33 | American University Washington College of Law | Shannon Roddy roddy@american.edu 202-274-4332 |
34 | The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law | Library |
35 | University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law | Billie Jo Kaufman billie.kaufman@udc.edu 202-274-4356 |
36 | The George Washington University Law School | Larry Ross electronicservices@law.gwu.libanswers.com 202-994-0037 |
37 | Georgetown Law | Jill Smith jas515@law.georgetown.edu 202-662-9165 |
38 | Howard University School of Law | Richard Akers rakers@law.howard.edu 202-806-8206 |
Florida top
39 | Ave Maria School of Law | Brenda Marino bmarino@avemarialaw.edu 239-687-5503 |
40 | Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law | Diana Botluk dbotluk@barry.edu 321-206-5727 |
41 | Florida A & M College of Law | Lorelle Anderson lorelle.anderson@famu.edu 407-254-3288 |
42 | Florida International University College of Law | ask@law.fiu.libanswers.com |
43 | Florida State University College of Law | Amy Lipford Alipford@law.fsu.edu 850-644-7488 |
44 | University of Florida Fredric G. Levin College of Law | Elizabeth Hilkin hilkin@law.ufl.edu 352-273-0702 |
45 | Jacksonville University College of Law | Colleen Martinez-Skinner cskinne4@ju.edu 904-256-8862 |
46 | University of Miami School of Law | Robin Schard rschard@law.miami.edu 305-284-6441 |
47 | Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law | Cheryl Booth cbooth1@nova.edu 954-262-6215 |
48 | Benjamin L. Crump College of Law at St. Thomas University | Reference Desk 305-623-2331 |
49 | Stetson University College of Law | Lib Reference Desk |
Georgia top
50 | Atlanta's John Marshall Law School | Mary Wilson mewilson@johnmarshall.edu 678) 916-2663 |
51 | Georgia State University College of Law | Patrick Parsons pparsons@gsu.edu 404-413-9162 |
52 | Georgia State University College of Law | Alison Guffey aguffey3@gsu.edu 404- 413-9126 |
53 | University of Georgia School of Law | Jason Tubinis jtubinis@uga.edu 706-542-7365 |
54 | Mercer University School of Law | Michelle Dewey dewey_ma@law.mercer.edu 478-301-2625 |
Hawaii top
55 | University of Hawaii at Manoa William S. Richardson School of Law | Brian Huffman brhuffma@hawaii.edu 908-956-2599 |
Idaho top
56 | University of Idaho College of Law | Jean Mattimoe mattimoe@uidaho.edu 208 885 2162 |
Illinois top
57 | University of Chicago Law School | Scott Vanderlin svanderlin@uchicago.edu 773-702-9619 |
58 | Chicago-Kent College of Law | Click Here to get the authorization code for Chicago-Kent. Login to your Chicago-Kent email to access. |
59 | DePaul University College of Law | Allen Moye amoye@depaul.edu 312-362-6893 |
60 | University of Illinois College of Law | Information Services Department |
61 | Loyola University Chicago School of Law | Joe Mitzenmacher jmitze1@luc.edu 312-915-6844 |
62 | Northern Illinois University College of Law | Therese Clarke Arado tclarke@niu.edu 815-753-9497 |
63 | Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law | Jesse Bowman jesse.bowman@law.northwestern.edu 312- 503-4356 |
64 | Southern Illinois University School of Law | Candle Wester candle.wester@siu.edu 618-453-8796 |
65 | University of Illinois Chicago School of Law | Phillip Johnson philipj@uic.edu 312-427-2737 ext. 551 |
Indiana top
66 | Indiana University Bloomington Maurer School of Law | Ashley Ahlbrand aaahlbra@indiana.edu 812-855-6613 |
67 | Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law | McKinney IT lsupport@iu.edu 317-274-8669 |
68 | Notre Dame Law School | Michael Greenlee mgreenl2@nd.edu 574-631-4436 |
Iowa top
69 | Drake University Law School | John Edwards John.Edwards@drake.edu 515-271-2141 |
70 | University of Iowa College of Law | Matthew Flyntz matthew-flyntz@uiowa.edu 319-335-0293 |
Kansas top
71 | University of Kansas School of Law | W. Blake Wilson wilsonwb@ku.edu 785-864-9253 |
72 | Washburn University School of Law | Thomas Sneed thomas.sneed@washburn.edu 785-670-1658 |
Kentucky top
73 | University of Kentucky College of Law | Tina Brooks tina.brooks@uky.edu 859-257-8347 |
74 | University of Louisville Louis D. Brandeis School of Law | Kurt Metzmeier kurt.metzmeier@louisville.edu 502-852-6082 |
75 | Northern Kentucky University, Salmon P. Chase College of Law | Tobe Liebert liebertl1@nku.edu 859-572-6485 |
Louisiana top
76 | Louisiana State University Paul M. Hebert Law Center | Reference Librarian reference@law.lsu.edu 225-578-4042 |
77 | Loyola University College of Law, New Orleans | Brian Huddleston bhuddle@loyno.edu 504-861-5486 |
78 | Southern University Law Center | Phebe Huderson-Poydras ppoydras@sulc.edu 225-771-2139 ext 101 |
79 | Tulane University School of Law | James Duggan duggan@tulane.edu 504-865-5950 |
Maine top
80 | University of Maine School of Law | Maureen Quinlan maureen.quinlan@maine.edu 207-780-4835 |
Maryland top
81 | University of Baltimore School of Law | Law Library Reference Desk lawlibref@ubalt.edu 410-837-4559 |
82 | University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law | CALI access or 410-706-6502 |
83 | University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law | CALI access or 410-706-6502 |
Massachusetts top
84 | Boston College Law School | atrinbox@bc.edu |
85 | Boston University School of Law | Reference Librarian lawref@bu.edu 617-353-3151 |
86 | Harvard Law School | CALI access |
87 | University of Massachusetts School of Law at Dartmouth | Jessica Almeida jessica.almeida@umassd.edu 508-985-1194 |
88 | New England Law | Boston | Reference Librarians refstaff@nesl.edu 617-422-7299 |
89 | Northeastern University School of Law | Craig Eastland c.eastland@northeastern.edu 617- 373-3594 |
90 | Suffolk University Law School | CALI access |
91 | Western New England University School of Law | Nicole Belbin nbelbin@law.wne.edu 413-782-1484 |
Michigan top
92 | Cooley Law School | Computer Cooley calihelp@cooley.edu
93 | University of Detroit Mercy School of Law | Thommy Snell snelltl@udmercy.edu 313-596-9461 |
94 | Michigan State University College of Law | Daryl Thompson thomps43@law.msu.edu 517-432-6957 |
95 | University of Michigan Law School | Work Request System |
96 | Wayne State University Law School | Authorization code available at reference desk: 313-577-6180 |
Minnesota top
97 | University of Minnesota Law School | Reference Desk 612-625-4309 |
98 | Mitchell | Hamline School of Law | Alisha Hennen alisha.hennen@mitchellhamline.edu 651-695-7635 |
99 | University of St. Thomas School of Law, Minneapolis | Michael Robak roba5204@stthomas.edu 651-962-4900 |
Mississippi top
100 | Mississippi College School of Law | Thomas Walter walter@mc.edu 601.925.7128 |
101 | University of Mississippi School of Law | Contact reference desk or Christopher Noe 662-915-6850 |
Missouri top
102 | University of Missouri - Columbia School of Law | Cindy Bassett bassettcw@missouri.edu 573-884-9150 |
103 | University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law | Joshua Pluta plutaj@umkc.edu 816-235-5365 |
104 | St. Louis University School of Law | Michael-John Voss mvoss3@slu.edu 314-977-2759 |
105 | Washington University School of Law | Peter Van Brunt peterv@wustl.edu 314-935-6415 |
Montana top
106 | Alexander Blewett III School of Law at the University of Montana | Jameson Law Library U MT law.library@mso.umt.edu 406-243-2699 |
Nebraska top
107 | Creighton University School of Law | Troy Johnson troyjohnson@creighton.edu 402-280-2832 |
108 | University of Nebraska - Lincoln College of Law | Richard Leiter rleiter@unl.edu 402-472-5737 |
Nevada top
109 | University of Nevada Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law | Jim Rich james.rich@unlv.edu 213-736-1115 |
New Hampsire top
110 | University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law | Susan Zago sue.zago@law.unh.edu 603-513-5129 |
New Jersey top
111 | Rutgers Law School | CALI access |
112 | Seton Hall University School of Law | Reference Librarians Lawlibref@shu.edu 973-642-8861 |
New Mexico top
113 | University of New Mexico School of Law | Request CALI Access |
New York top
114 | Albany Law School | David Walker dwalk@albanylaw.edu 518-445-2385 |
115 | Brooklyn Law School | Reference Desk |
116 | City University of New York School of Law | Jonathan Saxon saxon@law.cuny.edu 718-340-4242 |
117 | Columbia Law School | Columbia Law Library Reference Reference.Credentials@law.columbia.edu 212-854-3743 |
118 | Cornell Law School | Law Library Reference |
119 | Fordham University School of Law | Law Help Desk lawhelpdesk@fordham.edu 212-636-6786 |
120 | Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University | Isaac Samuels isaac.e.samuels@hofstra.edu 516-463-7808 |
121 | State University of New York - Buffalo School of Law | Brian Detweiler briandet@buffalo.edu 716-645-2384 |
122 | New York Law School | Grace Lee grace.lee@nyls.edu 212-431-2858 |
123 | New York University School of Law | Linda Ramsingh linda.ramsingh@nyu.edu 212-998-6605 |
124 | Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University | CALI access or 914-422-4208 |
125 | St. John's University School of Law | Courtney Selby selbyc@stjohns.edu 718-990-1896 |
126 | Syracuse University College of Law | Jan Fleckenstein jflecken@law.syr.edu 315-443-9571 |
127 | Touro University – Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center | Laura Ross lross@tourolaw.edu 631-761-7154 |
128 | Yeshiva University, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law | Law Library Reference 646-592-6500 |
North Carolina top
129 | Campbell University, Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law | Olivia Weeks weekso@campbell.edu 919-865-5870 |
130 | Duke Law | Code available for download
131 | Elon University School of Law | Lisa Dallessandro ldallessandro@elon.edu 336-278-9278 |
132 | North Carolina Central University School of Law | Reference Librarians referencelaw@nccu.edu 919-530-6715 |
133 | University of North Carolina School of Law | Stacey Rowland slrowlan@email.unc.edu 919-962-3474 |
North Dakota top
134 | University of North Dakota School of Law | David Haberman haberman@law.und.edu (701) 777-3538 |
Ohio top
135 | University of Akron, C. Blake McDowell Law Center | Email Sue Altmeyer saltmeyer@uakron.edu or click on this link and enter your UAnet ID and university password. |
136 | Capital University Law School | Email: IT@law.capital.edu |
137 | Case Western Reserve University School of Law | Kieran Layton kap107@case.edu 216-368-8570 |
138 | University of Cincinnati College of Law | Ron Jones ronald.jones@uc.edu 513-556-3016 |
139 | Cleveland State University College of Law | Brian Cassidy b.e.cassidy@csuohio.edu 216-523-7364 |
140 | University of Dayton School of Law | Susan Elliott selliott1@udayton.edu 937-229-2313 |
141 | Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law | Dustin Johnston-Green d-green.4@onu.edu 419-772-2255 |
142 | The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law | Matt Cooper cooper.373@osu.edu 614-688-0052 |
143 | University of Toledo College of Law | Rick Goheen rick.goheen@utoledo.edu 419.530.2945 |
144 | University of Toledo College of Law | Christie Lowry christina.lowry@utoledo.edu 419-530-2880 |
Oklahoma top
145 | Oklahoma City University School of Law | Timothy Gatton tgatton@okcu.edu 405-208-5344 |
146 | University of Oklahoma College of Law | Kenton Brice kbrice@ou.edu 405-325-5679 |
147 | University of Tulsa College of Law | Megan Donald megan-donald@utulsa.edu 918-631-3542 |
Oregon top
148 | Lewis and Clark Law School | CALI access or lawlib@lclark.edu
503-768-6680 |
149 | University of Oregon School of Law | Kelly Reynolds kellycr@uoregon.edu 541-346-1567 |
150 | Willamette University College of Law | Email law-ref@willamette.edu or ask at the Circulation Desk. |
Pennsylvania top
151 | Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law | Lindsay Steussy lhs27@drexel.edu 215-571-4774 |
152 | Thomas R. Kline School of Law of Duquesne University | Kathleen Lynch lynchk8@duq.edu 412-396-5014 |
153 | Penn State Dickinson Law | Laura Ax-Fultz lja10@psu.edu 717-241-3541 |
154 | Penn State Law | Jenny Ham juh1421@psu.edu 814-863-0885 |
155 | University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School | Christine Droesser cdroesse@law.upenn.edu 215-898-7486 |
156 | University of Pittsburgh School of Law | Susanna Leers, Electronic Services Librarian leers@law.pitt.edu 412-648-1329 or Reference Desk 412-648-1325 |
157 | Temple University Beasley School of Law | Charlie Perkins charles.perkins@temple.edu 215-204-2815 |
158 | Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law | Lori Corso lori.corso@law.villanova.edu 610-519-7235 |
159 | Widener University Commonwealth Law School | Brent Johnson bljohnson@widener.edu 717.541.3984 |
Puerto Rico top
160 | University of Puerto Rico School of Law | Mariangelí Lugo Zayas mariangeli.lugo@upr.edu 787-999-9703 |
Rhode Island top
161 | Roger Williams University School of Law | Law Library Reference lawlibraryhelp@rwu.edu |
South Carolina top
162 | Charleston School of Law | Tuan Anh Le. TAnhLe@charlestonlaw.edu 843-377-2421 |
163 | University of South Carolina Joseph F. Rice School of Law | Gary Moore gmoore@law.sc.edu 803-777-8296 |
Tennessee top
164 | Belmont University College of Law | Nathan Collins nathan.collins@belmont.edu 615-460-8252 |
165 | Duncan School of Law - Lincoln Memorial University | Bianca White Bianca.White@LMUnet.edu 865-545-5343 |
166 | University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law | Blakeley Beals blbeals@memphis.edu 901-678-5462 |
167 | University of Tennessee College of Law | Eliza Boles eliza.boles@utk.edu 865-974-0236 |
168 | Vanderbilt Law School | Mark Williams mark.j.williams@vanderbilt.edu 615-875-3337 |
Texas top
169 | Baylor University School of Law | Rick Sowell Ricky_Sowell@baylor.edu 254-710-4723 |
170 | University of Houston Law Center | Computer Help 713-743-2260 |
171 | UNT Dallas College of Law | Edward Hart Edward.Hart@untdallas.edu 214-752-5544 |
172 | St. Mary's University School of Law | Elizabeth Cadena ecadena@stmarytx.edu 210-431-4351 |
173 | South Texas College of Law Houston | See Library tab on STANLEY |
174 | Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law | reference office or 214-768-1661 |
175 | Texas A&M University School of Law | Joan Stringfellow jstringfellow@law.tamu.edu 817-212-3824 |
176 | Texas Southern University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law | Tara Long Tara.Long@tmslaw.tsu.edu 713-313-4470 |
177 | Texas Tech University School of Law | TTU School of Law Reference Services, 806-742-7155 or reference.law@ttu.edu
178 | University of Texas at Austin School of Law | Lei Zhang Lei.Zhang@law.utexas.edu 512-232-3834 |
Utah top
179 | Brigham Young University, J. Reuben Clark Law School | Iantha Haight haighti@law.byu.edu 801-422-9023 |
180 | University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law | Suzanne Darais daraiss@law.utah.edu 801-585-3074 |
Vermont top
181 | Vermont Law School | Katrina Munyon kmunyon@vermontlaw.edu 802-831-1105 |
Virginia top
182 | Appalachian School of Law | Nathan Lowell nlowell@asl.edu 276-935-4349 Ext. 1221 |
183 | Antonin Scalia Law School George Mason University | John Scherrer jscherr@gmu.edu 703-993-8111 |
184 | Liberty University School of Law | Gregory Smith gsmith@liberty.edu 434- 592-5300 |
185 | Regent University School of Law | William Magee willmag@regent.edu 757-226-4098 |
186 | University of Richmond School of Law | Joyce Manna Janto jjanto@richmond.edu 804-289-8223 |
187 | University of Virginia School of Law | CALI access |
188 | Washington and Lee University School of Law | Andrew Christensen christensena@wlu.edu 540-458-8554 |
189 | College of William and Mary, Marshall-Wythe School of Law | Christopher Byrne cdbyrn@wm.edu 757-221-1736 |
Washington top
190 | Gonzaga University School of Law | Patrick Charles charles@gonzaga.edu 509-313-3739 |
191 | Seattle University School of Law | law reference, lawreference@seattleu.edu , 206-398-4225 |
192 | University of Washington School of Law | UW Law Library Access & Registration Page |
West Virginia top
193 | West Virginia University College of Law | Jennifer Dubetz jennifer.dubetz@mail.wvu.edu 304-293-7512 |
Wisconsin top
194 | Marquette University Law School | Steve Nelson stephen.nelson@marquette.edu 414-288-5534 |
Wyoming top
195 | University of Wyoming College of Law | Tawnya Plumb tplumb@uwyo.edu 307-766-5733 |
International Affiliates top
Canada top
1 | University of Calgary Faculty of Law | Chantal Pegg pegg@ucalgary.ca 403-220-7117 |
2 | Dalhousie University Schulich School of Law | Lindsay Loomer lindsay.loomer@dal.ca 902-494-3065 |
3 | Queen's University Faculty of Law | Christa Bracci christa.bracci@queensu.ca 613-545-3260 |
4 | Osgoode Hall Law School of York University | Tim Knight tknight@osgoode.yorku.ca 416-650-8403 |
Germany top
5 | Bucerius Law School | Dirk Hartung dirk.hartung@law-school.de +49 (0) 40 3 07 06 - 2928 |
India top
6 | Nirma University Institute of Law | Kshama Parikh kshamaparikh@nirmauni.ac.in
Korea top
7 | Handong International Law School | David Mundy mundy@handong.edu
Mexico top
8 | Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey | Ruth Estrada Villarreal restrada@fldm.edu.mx +52 (81) 8048 2500 Ext – 610 |
Nigeria top
9 | University of Benin Postgraduate Programmes in Legislative Drafting | Tonye Jaja tonyeclintonjaja@yahoo.com
10 | Nigerian Law School - Abuja | Tahir Mamman mamava54@yahoo.com +234-0836650078 |
11 | Nigerian Law School - Kano | Nasirdeen Usman nusman01@yahoo.com +234 8034518836 |
12 | Nigerian Law School - Lagos | olanrewaju onadeko lonadeko@yahoo.com 234-01-8940547 |
Poland top
13 | Jagiellonian University | Frances Brillantine brillantine@law.edu 202-319-4331 |
Russia top
14 | Pericles Law Center | Ismail Kayali ikayali@pericles.ru 7-495-649-2273 |
Singapore top
15 | Singapore Management University School of Law | Reference Librarian Law 65 6828 035 |
Sweden top
16 | University of Gothenburg, Department of Law | Jeffrey Johns Jeffrey.Johns@law.gu.se
The Netherlands top
17 | University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law | Peter de Graaf p.s.de.graaf@rug.nl +31621834856 |
18 | Vrije University of Amsterdam Faculty of Law | Peter de Graaf p.s.de.graaf@rug.nl +31621834856 |
19 | University of Groningen Faculty of Law | Peter de Graaf p.s.de.graaf@rug.nl +31621834856 |
20 | University of Leiden Faculty of Law | Jeroen Leijen j.j.leijen@law.leidenuniv.nl
21 | University of Maastricht Faculty of Law | Peter de Graaf p.s.de.graaf@rug.nl +31621834856 |
22 | University of Rotterdam Faculty of Law | Peter de Graaf p.s.de.graaf@rug.nl +31621834856 |
23 | Tilburg University Faculty of Law | Tomas Oudejans oudejans@uvt.nl
24 | University of Utrecht Faculty of Law | Peter de Graaf p.s.de.graaf@rug.nl +31621834856 |
25 | Radboud University | Peter de Graaf p.s.de.graaf@rug.nl +31621834856 |
Trinidad and Tobago top
26 | Hugh Wooding Law School | Margaret Adams-Stowe maggiestowe@hotmail.com 1-868-662-1994 |
Legal Studies Departments top
1 | Tulane University General Legal Studies Program | Robyn Ice rice1@tulane.edu 504-247-1361 |
United States top
2 | California Polytechnic State University Orfalea College of Business | Steven Danowitz sdanowit@calpoly.edu 805-756-1751 |
3 | Irvine University College of Law | Veronica Areyzaga veronicaareyzaga@irvine.edu 562-865-7111 |
4 | Florida Atlantic University School of Criminology & Criminal Justice | Anita Blowers ablowers@fau.edu 561-297-3648 or 704-905-9247 |
5 | Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad College of Law Paralegal Studies | Jessica Garcia-Brown jessicga@nova.edu 954-262-6197 |
6 | William Rainey Harper College Paralegal Program | Carol Carlson-Nofsinger ccarlson@harpercollege.edu 847-925-6407 |
7 | Baton Rouge Community College | Jamie Gurt gurtj@mybrcc.edu 225-216-8469 |
8 | Austin Community College Paralegal Department | Shawn Slack sslack@austincc.edu 512-223-3713 |
United Ststes top
9 | Guilford Technical Community College | Pamela Hollern pehollern@gtcc.edu 336-334-4822 Ext. 53077 |
Alabama top
10 | Auburn University | Please contact serials@auburn.edu M-F from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central time to request a user account. |
11 | Faulkner University Legal Studies Department | Marci Johns mjohns@faulkner.edu 334-386-7304 |
Arizona top
12 | Bryan University Paralegal Studies and Litigation Technologies | Christine Leavitt christine.leavitt@bryanuniversity.edu 480-818-5328 |
13 | James E Rogers College of Law | Michael Wagenheim wagenhei@arizona.edu 520-621-3053 |
Arkansas top
14 | Arkansas Bar Association | Kristen Frye kfrye@arkbar.com 501-801-5678 |
15 | University of Arkansas-Pulaski Technical College Paralegal Department | Beverly Brister bbrister@uaptc.edu 501-812-2763 |
16 | Northwest Arkansas Community College Paralegal Program | Kim Coats kcoats@nwacc.edu 479-871-7000 |
California top
17 | Alliant International University | Scott Zimmer szimmer@alliant.edu 858-877-3791 |
18 | California Association of Legal Document Assistants | Tracey Booth membershipAdmin@calda.org 916- 791-9100 |
19 | University of California Irvine Extension Paralegal Certificate Program | Gina Cho gina.cho@uci.edu 949-824-4598 |
20 | University of California, San Diego (Extended Studies) | Jessica Quinn jequinn@ucsd.edu 858-246-1936 |
21 | California State, Los Angeles College of Professional and Global Studies Paralegal Program | PaGE Program Office pageprograms@calstatela.edu
22 | California State University East Bay Paralegal Studies Program | Matthew Cox matthew.cox@csueastbay.edu 510-885-7416 |
23 | Canada College Paralegal Program | Althea Kippes kippesa@smccd.edu, althea@atkippes.com 415-305-9934 |
24 | Cerritos College Law Department | Bruce Greenberg bgreenberg@Cerritos.edu 562-860-2451 ext. 2741 |
25 | Cuyamaca College Paralegal Studies Program | Joan Rettinger Joan.Rettinger@gcccd.edu 619-660-4000 |
Regionally Accrediteds top
1 | Golden Gate University School of Law | Mohamed Nasralla mnasralla@ggu.edu 415-442-6684 |
Legal Studies Departments top
1 | Irvine Valley College Paralegal Program | June McLaughlin jmclaughlin12@ivc.edu 949-451-5378 |
Regionally Accrediteds top
1 | University of LaVerne College of Law and Public Service | Amy Jiang ajiang@laverne.edu 805-881-2164 |
Legal Studies Departments top
1 | LA Law Institute | Jon Bourgault jon@lalawinstitute.org 818-524-9164 |
Regionally Accrediteds top
1 | Lincoln Law School of San Jose | Laurie Holm studentservices@lincolnlawschool.edu 408-977-7227 |
Legal Studies Departments top
1 | Miramar College Paralegal Program | Cheyanna Morence cmorence@sdccd.edu 619-388-7392 |
2 | Mt. San Antonio College Paralegal Program | Abby Wood awood10@mtsac.edu 909-274-5464 |
Regionally Accrediteds top
1 | Northwestern California University Law School | Lori Zapata lori@nwculaw.edu 916-920-9470 |
2 | Purdue Global Law School | You may access the CALI authorization code in Brightspace under Course Resources > CALI. |
Legal Studies Departments top
1 | University of San Diego Paralegal Program | paralegal@sandiego.edu
2 | University of San Francisco School of Management | Deniz Bahar dbahar@usfca.edu 415-422-2715 |
3 | Santa Ana College Legal Studies Department | Kim Smith Smith_Kim@sac.edu 714-564-6770 |
Regionally Accrediteds top
1 | Taft Law School | Christine Baldwin baldwin@taftu.edu 714 850-4800 |
2 | Thomas Jefferson School of Law | Chelsea Grant cgrant@tjsl.edu 619-961-4214 |
Legal Studies Departments top
1 | UCLA Extension Legal Programs | Lisa Piervencenti lpierven@uclaextension.edu Cell 310-766-3190 Office: 310-825-0743 |
Colorado top
2 | Regis University Anderson College of Business and Computing | David Bauman dbauman001@regis.edu 303-964-6237 |
Connecticut top
3 | Manchester Community College | Debbie Herman dherman@manchestercc.edu 860-512-2872 |
District of Columbia top
4 | George Washington University College of Professional Studies | Nicole Harris nharris@law.gwu.edu 202-994-4225 |
Florida top
5 | Broward College Legal Assisting Program | Jenny Clark jclark@broward.edu 954-2012360 |
6 | University of Central Florida Department of Legal Studies | Lisa Nored Lisa.Nored@ucf.edu 407-823-1670 |
7 | Florida National University Library | Pedro Figueredo jpereira@fnu.edu :(305) 821-3333 |
8 | State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota Social & Behavioral Science | Suzanne Bechtol BechtoS@scf.edu 941-752-5359 |
9 | Hillsborough Community College Paralegal Program | Tom Tankersley ttankersley@hccfl.edu 813-259-6193 |
10 | Miami Dade College Law Center | Mercedes Medina mmedina3@mdc.edu 305-237-3071 |
11 | Northwest Florida State College | Michael Taylor taylo160@nwfsc.edu 850-729-5261 |
12 | Seminole State College Business and Legal Studies Department | Jordan Camenker camenkej@seminolestate.edu 407-708-2594 |
13 | Valencia College Business, IT and Public Services Departments | Wendy Toscano wtoscano@valenciacollege.edu 407-582-2529 |
Georgia top
14 | Athens Technical College Paralegal Program | Beth Thornton bthornton@athenstech.edu 706-355-5019 |
15 | Atlanta Technical College | Stephanie Jackson stjackson@atlantatech.edu 404-225-4534 |
16 | Bremen High School Mock Trial | Michael Murphy murphyml@live.com 770-646-2018 |
17 | Chattahoochee Technical College | Amie Davis amie.davis@chattahoocheetech.edu 770-528-4978 |
18 | Clayton State University Paralegal/Legal Studies Department of Social Sciences | Antoinette France-Harris AntoinetteFrance-Harris@clayton.edu 678-466-4810 |
19 | Columbus Technical College Paralegal Studies Program | Leatha Cyprian lcyprian@columbustech.edu 706-225-0584 |
20 | Georgia State University Perimeter College | Tami Wells Thomas tthomas151@gsu.edu 678-891-2652 |
21 | Savannah Technical College | Shaquan Gaither sgaither@savannahtech.edu 912-443-5715 |
Hawaii top
22 | Kapi'olani Community College Paralegal Program | Susan Jaworowski susanjaw@hawaii.edu 808-734-9100 |
Illinois top
23 | College of DuPage Paralegal Studies | Annie Knight knighta@cod.edu 630- 942-2800 |
24 | University of Illinois Springfield Legal Studies | Deborah Anthony LES@uis.edu 217-206-6535 |
25 | Loyola University Chicago Institute for Paralegal Studies | Gigi Sharba gsharba@luc.edu 312-915-6478 |
26 | Oakton College | Ashley Jackson ajackson@oakton.edu 847-635-1477 |
27 | Wright College Paralegal Program | Christian Blume cblume1@ccc.edu 773-481-8271 |
Kentucky top
28 | Morehead State University | Kim Fatten k.fatten@moreheadstate.edu 606-783-2090 |
Maine top
29 | University of Maine at Augusta | Donna Maher donna.maher@maine.edu 207-621-3161 |
Maryland top
30 | University of Maryland Global Campus | Patrick Bradley patrick.bradley@umgc.edu 240-684-2824 |
Massachusetts top
31 | Bristol Community College Paralegal Studies | Elizabeth Nowakowski enowakowski11@bristolcc.edu 617-678-6799 |
32 | Bunker Hill Community College | Marc Lapierre marc.lapierre@bhcc.edu 617-228-2362 |
Regionally Accrediteds top
1 | Massachusetts School of Law | Dan Harayda harayda@mslaw.edu 978-681-0800 X143 |
Legal Studies Departments top
1 | University of Massachusetts Lowell Legal Studies Program | Michelle Veilleux Michelle_Veilleux@uml.edu 978-934-2822 |
Michigan top
2 | Grand Valley State University Legal Studies Program | Joshua Sheffer sheffjos@gvsu.edu 616-331-7150 |
3 | Northern Michigan University | Carter Wilson carwilso@nmu.edu 906-236-3317 |
Minnesota top
4 | Hamline University Paralegal Program | Boone Dryden jdryden01@hamline.edu 651-523-2857 |
5 | Hamline University Paralegal Program | Tammy Pettinato Oltz tpettinatooltz01@hamline.edu
6 | Inver Hills Community College Paralegal Program | Janica Austad jaustad@inverhills.edu 651-450-3521 |
7 | North Hennepin Community College Paralegal Program | Kate Lovo katharine.lovo@nhcc.edu 763-488-0158 |
Missouri top
8 | Missouri Western State University Legal Studies Program | Crystal Dowdell Cdowdell1@missouriwestern.edu 816- 271-5627 |
New Jersey top
9 | Princeton University Library | David Hollander dholland@princeton.edu 609-258-5316 |
New York top
10 | Daemen University Paralegal Studies Program | Margaret Phillips mphillip@daemen.edu 716-839-8283 |
11 | New American Chamber of Commerce Paralegal Certificate Program | Brian Figeroux bfigeroux@msn.com 718-243-9431 |
12 | Purchase College, the State University of New York | Stella Kristensen stella.kristensen@purchase.edu 914-251-6601 |
13 | St. John's University Libraries | Kathryn Shaughnessy shaughnk@stjohns.edu 718-990-1454 |
14 | SUNY Brockport | Dana Laird dlaird@brockport.edu 585-395-2197 |
North Carolina top
15 | Gaston College | Lisa Albright-Jurs jurs.lisa@gaston.edu 704-922-2256 |
Regionally Accrediteds top
1 | Kenneth F. Kahn School of Law High Point University | Sola Babatunde sbabatun@highpoint.edu 336-841-2631 |
Legal Studies Departments top
Ohio top
1 | Miami University Libraries | Cara Calabrese calabrcm@miamioh.edu 513-529-2886 |
2 | Ursuline College Legal Studies Program | Anne Murphy Brown amurphybrown@ursuline.edu 440-449-5403 |
Oregon top
3 | Portland Community College Paralegal Program | Aubrey Baldwin aubrey.baldwin@pcc.edu 971-722-5212 |
Pennsylvania top
4 | Lehigh Carbon Community College | Diane Tallarita dtallarita@lccc.edu 610-799-1594 |
5 | Peirce College Paralegal Studies Program | Library Library library@peirce.edu
6 | Community College of Philadelphia Paralegal Studies Program | Jennifer Schneider jschneider@ccp.edu 215-264-1636 |
Rhode Island top
7 | Roger Williams University School of Justice Studies | Lisa Newcity lnewcity@rwu.edu 401-254-3729 |
South Carolina top
8 | Horry Georgetown Technical College Legal Studies Department | Donna McQueen donna.mcqueen@hgtc.edu 843-477-2006 |
Tennessee top
9 | Nashville State Community College | Christie Ferguson Christie.Ferguson@nscc.edu 615-353-3459 |
10 | Southwest Tennessee Community College | Twyla Waters twaters@southwest.tn.edu 901-333-4596 |
Texas top
11 | Center for Advanced Legal Studies | Eric Happe eric@paralegal.edu 713-529-2778 |
12 | San Antonio College Paralegal Program | John Lamerson jlamerson@alamo.edu 210-486-1067 |
13 | University of Texas Rio Grande Valley - Brownsville Criminal Justice Department | Dianna Blankenship, Ph.D., J.D. dianna.blankenship@utrgv.edu 956-882-7526 |
14 | Tyler Junior College Paralegal Program | Patricia Coplan pcop@tjc.edu 903-510-2498 |
Virginia top
15 | Northern Virginia Community College Paralegal Studies Program | Kelly Hebron khebron@nvcc.edu 703-845-6277 |
Washington top
16 | Washington State Bar Association Law Clerk Program | Katherine Skinner katherines@wsba.org 206-727-8326 |
West Virginia top
17 | American Public University System Legal Studies | Andrea Dunn ecm@apus.edu
Wisconsin top
18 | Lakeshore Technical College Paralegal Program | Donna Meiselwitz donna.meiselwitz@gotoltc.edu 920-693-1202 |
19 | Northcentral Technical College | Thomas Wendt wendtt@ntc.edu 715-803-1885 |
20 | Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Paralegal Department | Anne Oestreicher anne.oestreicher@nwtc.edu 920-498-5549 |
Government Affiliates top
ISA top
1 | Norfolk Law Library, City of Norfolk Courthouse | Ashley Reed areed@norfolklawlibrary.org 757-622-2910 |
Singapore top
2 | Supreme Court Singapore | Serene Lim serene_lim@supcourt.gov.sg
California top
3 | Franchise Tax Board | Ellen Swain ellen.swain@ftb.ca.gov 916-845-2971 |
4 | Mono County Counsel’s Office | Kevin Moss kmoss@mono.ca.gov 760-924-1700 |
5 | Yolo County District Attorneys Office | Alisandra Valero Alisandra.Valero@yolocounty.org 530-666-8180 ext. 8360 |
Connecticut top
6 | State of Connecticut, Office of the Attorney General | Antoria Howard antoria.howard@ct.gov 860-808-5316 |
District of Columbia top
7 | CIA Office of General Counsel | Rebecca Fulton rebecf@ucia.gov 570-204-1804 |
8 | National Veterans Legal Services Program | Renée Burbank Renee.Burbank@nvlsp.org 202-621-5780 |
Louisiana top
9 | US Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit, Law Library | Amy Hale-Janeke ahjaneke@ca5.uscourts.go
Massachusetts top
10 | Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries | Robert DeFabrizio robert.defabrizio@jud.state.ma.us 617-620-5376 |
Missouri top
11 | US Courts Library - 8th Circuit | Sue Sirkis sue_sirkis@ca8.uscourts.gov
Virginia top
12 | Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation | Julie Jackson-Bailey julie.jackson-bailey@dpor.virginia.gov 804.367.8539 |
Washington top
13 | US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, Law Library | James Murray James_Murray@lb9.uscourts.gov 509-353-3293 |
County Law Libraries top
California top
1 | Alameda County Law Library | Emily Bergfeld emily.bergfeld@acgov.org 510-272-6481 |
2 | Fresno County Law Library | Sharon Borbon sborbon@co.fresno.ca.us 559-237-2227 |
3 | Riverside County Law Library | Andrea Valencia andrea.valencia@rclawlibrary.org 951-368-0378 |
4 | Sacramento County Public Law Library | Access only available to library staff. |
5 | San Diego County Law Library | David Whelan whelan@sdlawlibrary.org 619-685-6567 |
6 | Santa Clara County Law Library | Kristin Remmers kremmers@sccll.org 408-299-3568 |
7 | Santa Cruz County Law Library | Renee Fleming renee.fleming@lawlibrary.org 831-420-2341 |
8 | Shasta County Public Law Library | Mimi Gimblin mgimblin@yahoo.com 530-245-6243 |
9 | Stanislaus County Law Library | Alex Kern kern@arrival.net 209-558-7759 |
10 | Tehama County Law Library | Donna Eirish deirish@sbcglobal.net 530-529-5033 |
11 | Yolo County Law Library | Janet Coles janet.coles@yolocounty.org 530-666-8918 |
Georgia top
12 | Burke County Judicial Center Law Library | Ashley Moore A.MOORE@BURKECOUNTY-GA.GOV 706-554-3000 |
13 | Dougherty County Law Library | Laureen Adams ladams@dougherty.ga.us 229-431-2133 |
14 | Homer M Stark Law Library | Avery Le avery.le@gwinnettcounty.com 770-822-8571 |
Illinois top
15 | Cook County Law Library | Carolyn Hayes carolyn.hayes@cookcountyil.gov 312-603-2430 |
16 | 19th Judicial Circuit Court Law Library Lake County IL | Joanne Vandestreek JVandestreek@lakecountyil.gov 847-377-2267 |
Maryland top
17 | Anne Arundel County Public Law Library | Joan Bellistri Joan.Bellistri@mdcourts.gov 410-222-1387 |
Ohio top
18 | Hamilton County Law Library | Mary Jenkins MJenkins@cms.hamilton-co.org 513-946-6300 |
19 | Stark County Law Library | Kendel Croston inform@starkcountyohio.gov 330-451-7380 |
Oregon top
20 | Umatilla County Law Library | Beverly Reid beverly.reid@umatillacounty.net 541-278-6306 |
Texas top
21 | Collin County Law Library | Diane Roberts droberts@co.collin.tx.us
22 | Denton County Law Library | Kathleen Bransford kathleen.bransford@dentoncounty.com 940-349-2130 |
23 | Harris County Robert W. Hainsworth Law Library | Andre Davison andre.davison@harriscountytx.gov 713-274-5197 |
Washington top
24 | Public Law Library of King County | Rick Stroup rick.stroup@kingcounty.gov 206-477-1311 |
State Law Libraries top
United States top
1 | Witkin State Law Library - California | Michelle Alvardo michelle.alvardo@library.ca.gov 916-323-9548 |
California top
2 | California Department of Water Resources/Office of the General Counsel | Eric Bender eric.bender@water.ca.gov 916-902-7002 |
3 | Santa Clarita Public Library | Julie Oshiro joshiro@santaclaritalibrary.com 661-799-6122 |
Hawaii top
4 | Hawaii Supreme Court Law Library | Mark Skrimstad mark.l.skrimstad@courts.hawaii.gov
Illinois top
5 | AALL Membership | AALL Membership membership@aall.org 312.-939-4764 |
Maryland top
6 | Thurgood Marshall State Law Library | Jessica Mundy jessica.mundy@mdcourts.gov 410-260-1424 |
Massachusetts top
7 | State Library of Massachusetts | Maryellen Larkin Maryellen.Larkin@mass.gov 978-836-0275 |
Nebraska top
8 | Nebraska State Penitentiary Library | Peter Sewell peter.sewell@nebraska.gov 402-479-3267 |
New Hampsire top
9 | New Hampshire Law Library | Mary Searles MSearles@courts.state.nh.us 603-271-3777 |
New Jersey top
10 | New Jersey State Library | Robert Heym rheym@njstatelib.org 609-278-2640 x102 |
Wisconsin top
11 | Wisconsin State Law Library | Heidi Yelk heidi.yelk@wicourts.gov 608-261-7555 |
Wyoming top
12 | Wyoming State Law Library | Kristin Karr kkarr@courts.state.wy.us 307-777-6487 |
Judicial Organizations top
United States top
1 | Supreme Court of the United States Library | Helen McNiel hhmitchem@supremecourt.gov 202-479-3177 |
Massachusetts top
2 | United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts | Taisha Sturdivant lindsaylrwinstructor@gmail.com 617-800-4410 |
Virginia top
3 | Fairfax City General District Court | Jessica Stackhouse jstackhouse@vacourts.gov 703 -273-6177 |
Law Firms top
United States top
1 | Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp LLP | Alina Kelly aak@msk.com 310-312-3779 |
2 | Chapman and Cutler, LLP | Sarah Andeen sandeen@chapman.com 312-845-3749 |
3 | Thompson Hine LLP - Law Library | Martina Anders martina.anders@thompsonhine.com 216-566-5650 |
California top
4 | Law Office of Daniel Berko | David Kam davidwkam@outlook.com 510-761-6307 |
5 | Brancart & Brancart | Christopher Brancart cbrancart@brancart.com 650-879-0141 |
6 | Heather Lynn Law | Marissa Mitchell marissadianam@gmail.com 909-312-3748 |
7 | O’Melveny & Myers LLP | John Van jvan@omm.com 213-430-7751 |
Florida top
8 | Murphy & Walker, PL | Casey Walker cwalker@murphywalker.com 772-231-1900 |
New York top
9 | Nica B. Strunk, PLLC | Pamela Harms pamela@nicabstrunk.com 631-482-9925 |
Pennsylvania top
10 | Duane Morris LLP | Andrea Guldalian AKGuldalian@duanemorris.com 215-979-1795 |
Virginia top
11 | Bronley Law, PLLC | Thomas Craven tcraven@bronleylaw.com 703-229-0335 |
Washington top
12 | PWRFL | Tomás Gahan gahan@pwrfl-law.com 206-624-6800 |
Library Schools top
Canada top
1 | University of Western Ontario Faculty of Information and Media Studies | John Sadler jsadler@uwo.ca 519-661-2111 x88271 |
California top
2 | San Jose State University School of Library and Information Science | Debbie Faires debbie.faires@sjsu.edu 408-925-2498 |
District of Columbia top
3 | Catholic University of America School of Library and Information Science | Joan Weeks Weeks@cua.edu 202-319-6129 |
New York top
4 | SUNY - Buffalo Library and Information Studies | Elizabeth Adelman eadelman@buffalo.edu 716-645-2301 |
5 | St. John's University Division of Library and Information Science | Ralph Monaco monacor1@stjohns.edu
Ohio top
6 | Kent State University School of Library and Information Science | Contact Don Wicks, dwicks@kent.edu or 330-672-0001 |
Legal Aid Organizations top
Armenia top
1 | ABA Rule of Law Initiative | Amy Righter alrighter@gmail.com
Canada top
2 | Pro Bono Law Ontario | Carol Austin carol@pblo.org 416-977-4448 x227 |
ISA top
3 | Working Against Violence Inc | Kari Nordstrom karin@wavi.org 605-341-3292 |
Trinidad W. I. top
4 | Caribbean Electronic Law Network | Michael Theodore michaeltheo@gmail.com
United States top
5 | California State University, Long Beach, College of Business Legal Resource Center | Allison Butler cob-lrc@csulb.edu
6 | Consortium on Access to Justice | William Tanner tannerlaw@gmail.com 714-624-8144 |
7 | Office of the Cook County Public Guardian | Carol Casey carol.casey@cookcountyil.gov 312-433-5124 |
Arizona top
8 | DNA-People's Legal Services | Sylvia Struss sstruss@dnalegalservices.org 928-774-0653 x0 |
California top
9 | Central California Legal Services | Brian Higgins brian@centralcallegal.org 559-570-1222 |
10 | Court Listener | Michael Lissner mlissner@michaeljaylissner.com 909-576-4123 |
11 | Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles | Lucy Silva lsilva@lafla.org 323-801-7903 |
12 | Legal Services of Northern California | Cathy Ferrell cferrell@lsnc.net 530-241-3565 |
13 | Sustainable Economies Law Center | Chris Tittle chris@theselc.org 510.717.9335 |
14 | United Farm Workers Legal Department | Mary Mecartney marym1970@ufw.org 831-970-1674 |
Connecticut top
15 | New Haven Legal Assistance Association, Inc. | Susan Nofi-Bendici snofi-bendici@nhlegal.org 203-946-4811 |
16 | Statewide Legal Services of Connecticut | Matthew Provost mprovost@slsct.org 860-344-8096 x3007 |
Massachusetts top
17 | The Right to Immigration Institute | Douglas Smith dlsmith@therighttoimmigration.org 781-209-0183 |
18 | Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice | Jonathan Goldman jonathangoldman@brandeis.edu 413-695-8773 |
Minnesota top
19 | Mid-Minnesota Legal Assistance | Barb O'Connell boconnel@midmnlegal.org
New Hampsire top
20 | New Hampshire Legal Assistance | Sarah Dustin smattsondustin@nhla.org 603-206-2226 |
New York top
21 | Legal Assistance of Western New York | Jeff Hogue jhogue@lawny.org 315-781-1465 |
22 | Legal Services NYC | Anthony Navarrete anavarrete@lsnyc.org 646-442-3610 |
23 | New York State Defenders Association | Kennard Strutin kenstrutin@earthlink.com
24 | Student Advocacy, Inc. | Lisa Syron lsyron@studentadvocacy.net 914 347-7039 x101 |
North Carolina top
25 | Law School Transparency | Kyle McEntee Kyle@lawschooltransparency.com 336-324 - 0951 |
Oklahoma top
26 | Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma | Margaret Shinn margaret.hamlett@laok.org 918-295-9439 |
Pennsylvania top
27 | Bradford County Office of the Public Defender | Helen Stolinas stolinash@bradfordco.org 570-265-1713 |
Utah top
28 | Utah Legal Services | Craige Harrison craige@utahlegalservices.org 801-924-3382 |
Virginia top
29 | Virginia Legal Aid Society | Keita Rodgers keitar@vlas.org 434-455-3095 |
Washington top
30 | Columbia Legal Aid | Sharon Nyland sharon.nyland@columbialegal.org 206-464-1188 x600 |
31 | Northwest Justice Project | Alejandra Mora alejandra.mora@nwjustice.org 206-707 7568 ext 0994 |
West Virginia top
32 | Legal Aid of West Virginia | Kate White kwhite@lawv.net 304-343-3013 x2167 |
Paralegal Affiliates top
United States top
1 | A Rising Tide Academy | Kelly Hebron khebron@nvcc.edu 703-845-6277 |