Frequently Asked Questions

Any organization or individual who wishes to learn or teach the law.  Current CALI members include:

  • 97% of American law schools
  • Law schools in countries out side of the United States, including the majority of Canadian Law Schools
  • Undergraduate programs
  • Business Schools
  • Law Firms
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Law Libraries

Here's the complete list of CALI members.


Current list of CALI Members

If you want to access CALI Lessons for you, your students, and your staff, your organization needs a CALI membership. Follow the links for membership forms:

Membership dues for these organizations are completely free, but you still need to do the paperwork so we can get you access. 


Faculty, students, staff, and employees of CALI member organizations enjoy exclusive access to the following tools:

  • CALI Lessons - CALI lessons are interactive tutorials written by law professors at  CALI member schools.  They can be used for studying purposes or formative assessment.  Faculty are able to edit lessons to suit their needs and, when using the Lesson Link feature, view students' answers and performance.  We allow unlimited use of CALI lessons by our members and every year we average about a million lesson runs.
  • QuizWright® -  QuizWright® helps Faculty track what students are learning. It lets professors write Multiple Choice, True/False, and Yes/No questions as formative assessments for their students that can be run inside or outside the classroom. QuizWright quizzes can be published instantly and privately on the CALI website, where most students already have an account. The faculty can view the results in real-time using online dashboards or download them to Excel for further analysis. With this resource, faculty can create a personal question bank to use with your courses year after year, view student responses in real-time, pull questions from a bank of shared questions taken from CALI Lessons, built on the robust and secure CALI tools like the CALI Lesson Viewer, AutoPublish, and LessonLink.  

  • eLangdell® Press - CALI’s eLangdell® Press publishes free casebooks and book chapters authored by law faculty. All are available under a Creative Commons license so that faculty and students can use and remix the materials to suit their educational needs.  Included in this resource are over 30 publications covering 17 different legal subject areas; it is compatible with all mobile devices and tablets. No-DRM PDF, MSWord, Kindle, and iPad versions of entire books are available. Print versions are available with no markup costs. 

  • CALI Author - CALI Author is the software that powers CALI Lessons.  CALI members have the ability to use this software for any non-commercial purpose.  Examples include training student library workers, HR orientation, or local jurisdiction lessons.
  • CALI Excellence for the Future Awards® - The CALI Excellence for the Future Award is given to the top-scoring student in each course at a law school.  Law schools with multiple sections of the same course can choose to award just one CALI Award or one for each section.  CALI Award winners are given a paper certificate as well as a virtual one that they can post on social media and other web presences.  They are also invited to join the CALI Award Winners group on LinkedIn.  All of these are provided free of charge to the student and the school.
  • Classcaster® - Classcaster is CALI's blogging, podcasting, and website creation tool.  It can be used as a course website, a scholarship repository, or a personal website.  Really, the possibilities are limitless.  You can even post a podcast with just a phone call!
  • CALI Podcasts - 10-minute audio recordings of law professors explaining narrow legal topics in a straightforward manner.
  • A2J Author® - This legal practice software was developed in partnership with the Chicago-Kent Center for Access to Justice and Technology.  It creates guided interviews that can be used for legal form automation, client intake, or e-filing.   It's currently used by legal aid organizations, law school clinics, and courts across the country.  Members may use it for any non-commercial use.
  • Authoring Opportunities - CALI only accepts authoring proposals for CALI Lessons and eLangdell Press books to faculty at CALI member schools.  You will get a publication credit, and CALI provides monetary stipends to authors.
  • Discounted registration to CALI's Conference for Law School Computing, the only conference that brings together law professors, IT professionals, law librarians, and others in the legal technology world.


CALI membership is open to schools, organizations and individuals that wish to learn or teach law.

We'd be happy to meet with you, your faculty, or your adminstration about joining CALI - in person, via teleconference or online. And Ronella Norris, our Membership Coordinator, is here to answer all of your questions. Talk to your school's administration and tell them to contact us.

Membership application forms are also available for the following:

Law Schools Outside of the United States

Business Schools

Other Non-JD programs:

  • Paralegal Programs
  • Legal Studies Departments
  • Political Science Programs
  • Criminal Justice Programs
  • Any other academic Undergraduate or Graduate Department that wants to learn the law.

Law Firms

Corporate Law Departments

Government Agencies


Legal Aid Organizations

Library Schools

State and County Law Librarians

CALI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and nearly all of our financial support comes from law school membership dues. US law schools pay a flat rate of $8,000/year regardless of size or usage.

We offer deeply discounted membership rates for organizations and individuals that wish to learn or teach the law. These memberships are $250/year.

Legal Aid organizations, library schools, and state and county law libraries are able to join CALI at absolutely no cost. Yes, that's right... FREE.

If you didn't find your answer, please don't hesitate to contact one of the CALI staff members. We'll be happy to help you!

Self-publsihed lessons are the sole creation and responsibility of their author.  You can tell you are taking an self-published lesson by the "Self Publsihed" logo in the upper left corner of the lesson.

CALI does not review self-published lessons nor do we make any guarantees about their quality or content.  If you have any questions about the material, please contact the author of the self-published lesson.