Lesson Viewed
Airman Medical Standards and Certification
This lesson examines the Federal Aviation Regulations Part 67: Medical Standards and Certification (14 C.F.R. § 67 et. seq.). Additionally, it explores the options for airmen when medical certification is denied, suspended, or revoked. The reasons for these abjurations and the appeal process are also explained. Finally, a series of cases is presented to help illustrate the enforcement action.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:
- Recognize when medical certification is required.
- State the differences between first-, second-, and third-class medical certificates.
- Give examples of disqualifying medical conditions and where additional information may be obtained.
- Differentiate among the functions of an AME, AMCD Manager, Regional Flight Surgeon and Federal Air Surgeon.
- Describe the differences between a Statement of Demonstrated Ability and an Authorization for a Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate.
- Explain the Medical Certification procedure including the appeal process when medical certificates are denied, suspended, or revoked.