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Lesson 4: Basic Future Interests: Fee Simple on Condition Subsequent (and Rights of Re-entry)

This lesson is part of a series of exercises covering Basic Future Interests. While the 10 lessons comprising this series can be worked in any sequence, the lessons do to some degree build on each other. Thus, it is suggested that students work them in order.

Students should complete the Basic Estate System lesson prior to working through this lesson and series.

The 10 lessons are:

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:

  1. Explain the basic concept of future interests under American common law.
  2. List the key characteristics of modern future interests.
  3. Identify the fee simple on condition subsequent from the words of conveyance that create it.
  4. Identify how early termination occurs for a fee simple on condition subsequent.
  5. Define a right of re-entry (power of termination).
  6. Define an action in ejectment.
  7. Explain who has the right to possession upon the termination of a fee simple on condition subsequent.
  8. Contrast a right of re-entry with a possibility of reverter.
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