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Equitable Remedies - An Overview

This exercise gives a basic overview of the types of equitable remedies. You need not have read any particular materials or taken any particular law school courses in order to complete the tutorial. It can be used to provide background in your courses where equity is especially relevant or to review the types of equitable remedies for use in a remedies course.

The lesson will not examine doctrines of substantive equity (other than to note their existence) nor will the lesson explore the prerequisites for obtaining, defending against, or enforcing equitable remedies. Rather, the lesson is designed to introduce you to the basic vocabulary of equitable remedies.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the lesson, the student will be able to:

  1. Identify the main categories of equitable remedies.
  2. Give examples of the purposes served by the equitable remedies.
  3. Distinguish between rescission and reformation.
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